2. By infecting animals and letting them loose in the burrows, local epidemics of this disease could be created. 通过让染上此病的动物在洞内乱跑,就可以使这种疾病在一个地区蔓延起来。
3. The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, admitted that he had tried to break into a shop during the night. 那个满脸愁容、浑身漆黑的家伙立刻承认,他企图在夜里闯进商店.
4. The men of the disgruntled royal bodyguard suddenly turned loose on to the street of a capital seething with unrest, 不满的皇家卫队的士兵突然改变为流散在动荡不安的首都街道上,
5. The police were called in to break up the fracas. 警察奉命去制止骚乱.
6. The tractors have left deep furrows in the loose sand. 拖拉机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
7. There is a lot of air in loose snow, and this helps to keep the cold out. 松散的雪里有大量的空气, 这有助于御寒.
8. They prophesy that war will break out between the two countries. 他们预言这两个国家之间将发生战争。
9. The screws are loose;I must tighten them. 螺丝松了,我得把它们拧紧。
10. The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, admitted at once that he had tried to break into the shop during the night but had got stuck in the chimney. 那个看来满脸沮丧、浑身漆黑的家伙从烟囱里一出来,就承认头天夜里他企图到店里行窍,但让烟囱卡住了。